Thurtell and Related Families
Thurtell and Related Families
Notes for Frances THURTELL
Frances Thurtell is shown as white, age 6, and born in Nevada in the U.S. Census for Reno City, Washoe County, Nevada, for 1910 (Supervisor's District 171, Enumeration District 71, Sheet 7A). This shows she was living with her parents, siblings, and grandmother, Maria Snow at 761 North Centre Street, Reno, Nevada. The census was enumerated on April 10, 1910.
The 1926 Washington, DC, city directory, page 1473, lists her as Frances Thurtell, a typist, residing at 1217 Delafield Place, NW, along with her brother, Chas S., and their father, Henry, who is shown as a lawyer with an office at 427 Munsey Building.
The 1954 Washington, DC, city directory, on page 1226, shows her mother, Mrs. Henry Thurtell, with a residence at 3900 16th NW, Apt. 139.
Frances Thurtell McGregor was very interested in the Thurtell family history. She worked for more than 20 years for the National League of Insured Savings Associations, Washington, DC. She lived for over 20 years at the Crestwood Apartments, Apartment 139, 3900 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20011.
In a 1997 telephone conversation, her son RobRoy (Sandy) McGregor recalled that her hobbies were golf and traveling. She had been awarded the King's Medal for Service in the Cause of Freedom for her work with the British Supply Museum in Washington, DC, during World War II. In about September 1941 she and her son had moved to Washington, DC, from California, where they began living with her recently widowed mother at 1217 Delafield Place NW, Washington, DC.
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Susan T. Miller
1411 West Childs Street
Wheaton, Illinois 60187-4601
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